No need to Close Guantanamo (Gitmo) After Conditions Have Improved

Quality-of-life improvements continue despite President Obama's assurances of its closing. Although the base has become a model detention center, the legal limbo of detainees is a major problem.
It's been a busy summer at the Guantanamo Bay detention center. The joint task force in charge of the 226 remaining detainees is spending about $440,000 to expand the recreation yards at Camp 6. At nearby Camp 4, which offers communal living for the most "compliant" captives, the soccer yard is being enlarged. At Camp 5, a maximum-security facility, a $73,000 classroom is under construction. In March, the task force added art classes to the thrice-weekly instruction it offers in Arabic, Pashtu and English, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer.,0,3944969.story


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