Flashing Major Political Events in the World September-2014

Major Political Events World September-2014

Ukraine Conflict: Vladimir Putin Said He Hopes Russia Won't Have To Use Force In Ukraine


You Can't Understand ISIS If You Don't Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia



Ebola Virus Outbreak. (07-30-2014, 75 Records)
Airplane with 298 Onboard was Shot Down over Ukraine. (07-17-2014, 51 Records)
Israel Conflicts with Hamas in Gaza. (07-03-2014, 281 Records)
Iraqi Militants Seized Large Regions. (06-10-2014, 192 Records)
Turkey Mine Accident, Hundreds Dead. (05-13-2014, 6 Records)
Nigerian School Girls Abduction. (04-29-2014, 37 Records)
South Korea Ferry Sinks, Hundreds Missing. (04-16-2014, 82 Records)
Malaysia Air Plane Missing with Over 200 Passengers Onboard. (03-05-2014, 28 Records)
Facebook Buys WhatsApp for 19 Billion US Dollars. (02-19-2014, 115 Records)
Ukraine Crisis. (02-18-2014, 913 Records)
Sochi Winter Olympics. (01-06-2014, 57 Records)
Record Cold Weather Roars Across US. (01-05-2014, 53 Records)





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