Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and the Six Milions Jews Killed

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.
Years after WW II it was commonly mentioned in the news papers across the world that there were between two millions and three millions Jews killed by Hitler. Few years later the number all of sudden to four millions killed by Hitler. Few years the number was raised again to five millions Jews killed by Hitler. Some did not like that number of five millions is not shocking enough so the number of Jews who were killed by Hitler was raised again and apparently settled to six millions to satisfy every one. Some zealots in chat lines and Yahoo Answers mention eight millions. So adding few millions more is very easy.
It is very big crime in Western Europe and possibly Western by Extension like Australia to debate or discuss the figure of six millions. If number five millions instead six millions is mentioned there will be court trial and few years imprisonment. If some one deny the six millions and mentions any number leas than one million then there will be 10 years to 20 years imprisonment perhaps. Since there is no death penalty in Western Europe the holocaust deniers are saved from execution.
Any discussion of the figure six millions is not allowed. You can discuss or debate that the mighty god does not exist, that is fine but do not dare to debate the six millions figure.
This six millions satisfy many and they do not feel to jack it up any more. So the figure 6000000 is the official record of how many Jews killed by Hitler on one number up or down for that matter.
On the other hand where are the pre-war II numbers of Jews who lived in a countries where the bulk of Jews gassing had occurred? Some six-millions die hard claim that Jews were one third of the population of Poland before WW II. Po;and is ultra, ultra Roman Catholic country, then how they allowed the Jews to live in mass numbers to become one third of the country?
Some argues with one rail track to the WW-II famous concentration camp how one millions were transported? Some argues that there were not enough ovens to kill one million in the one year or a one year and half at the end of the great war. Some still argue that no traces of gas was never found in these concentration camps. Like Iraq no poisoning chemical depots were ever found.
The standard method of convincing some one that six-million Jews were killed is to show pictures of two dozen or more corpses laying in the ground to come with six millions. This is great jump say from 20 corpses to six millions.
In the mean the brutality of the Jews who lived during WW II and experienced the Holocaust towards the Palestinians is amazing.
You can be the victim but it is more fun to be the victimizer.
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