Neda Agha Soltan Slain in Tehran, Iran June 20, 2009

Iranian security officials have begun pulling down posters of Neda Agha Soltan, the young woman who has become the face of the country's proRelatives said images of Neda Agha Soltan, 27, who has been described as Iran's "Angel of Freedom" after she was apparently shot dead on Saturday, had been targeted by plain-clothed officials. -democracy uprising after her death in Tehran was captured on video.
A bullet hit her heart and her lung, and maybe 5 or 6 minutes later, she died."
While officials have imposed harsh restrictions on the woman's family, they were not asked – as other families of victims claimed – for the £1,800 "bullet price" to compensate the state for the cost of the security operation that cost their lives.
Neda Salehi Agha-Soltan[2] (Persian: ندا آقا سلطان - Nedā Āġā-Soltān; born 1982, died June 20, 2009 was an Iranian woman whose killing, during the 2009 Iranian election protests, was captured on video by bystanders.[6] The graphic videos were posted on the Internet, and her name quickly became a rallying cry for the opposition.[6] Neda means "voice" or "calling" or "Divine message" in Persian, and she has been referred to as the "voice of Iran" and "a symbol of pro-democracy protesters battering the Islamic regime" in the world Her last name has also been spelled as Soltani in some media reports.
On June 20, 2009, at around 6:30 PM, Agha-Soltan, a student of Islamic philosophy,was sitting in her car in traffic on Kargar Avenue in the city of Tehran, near the Amir-Abad area, accompanied by her music teacher and close friend, Hamid Panahi. The two were on their way to participate in the protests against the outcome of the 2009 Iranian presidential election. Having gotten out of the car because of the excessive heat, she was allegedly targeted and shot in the chest by plain-clothes Basij paramilitaries who were attempting to subdue the protesters. Agha-Soltan's last words were:

"I'm burning, I'm burning!"


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