King Muhammad VI, who has a PhD in law from a French university, is a billionaire with a $2.5 billion fortune, while there are over 5 million people living on one dollar a day in his country. The percentage of people who are illiterate in Morocco is 38.5%, 5 million of a population of 30 million live at the lowest level of poverty. Morocco's King Mohammed VI flanked by his son Moulay El Hassan (l.) and his brother Prince Moulay Rachid listens to the national anthem after he delivered a speech to the nation, Wednesday, March, 9, at the king's Palace in Rabat. Morocco's king announced constitutional changes in a rare speech, aimed at consolidating democracy. Drawing parallels between Hosney Mubarak mass arrest and butchering of so called Islamists and like Muammar El-Kadhafi of Libya persecution of Islamists both of them hurried to their down fall. Same King Muhammad the Sixth savage mass arrest and persecution can lead to the down fall of the Alliwite dynasty after more...